Last weekend Rick and I headed to Hattiesburg for Southern Miss Homecoming, and WHAT A WEEKEND!! We had a blast! This was Rick's first USM home football game (we went to the Auburn game last year @ AU, and the UAB game this year here in Bham), and at one point he said "You guys actually have a pretty good atmosphere around here." REALLY RICK? I guess he didn't expect much, but was pleasantly surprised. He was also impressed by the stadium, it's no SEC stadium, but pretty nice thanks to all the new additions.
Friday Fancy, Joe, Larkin, Rick, and I went to dinner @ The Brownstone, and it was YUMMY!! Then off to the Bottling Company (a friend of mine from college's bar downtown), and this is what happened...

Fancy & I

Fancy & Joe

Joe, Rick and me @
BOCO, then....

Not really sure what happened here. I guess we found a tractor and the guys got excited. As you can see Joe is posing for a fabulous pic, while Rick is a little more serious as he tries to figure out how to start the tractor!! WOW!! This is what happens when we get together with old college friends. LOVE IT!!!

And Saturday after a morning of recovery, our little weekend family (as Joe called it, he would also call for family meetings, strange, I know), finally made it to the game. I hate that this pic didn't turn out better, it was a
gorgeous sky in the background.
It was a PERFECT weekend with PERFECT friends, and USM beat Tulane 43-6!!!