Let me just say getting a Mississippi marriage license while living in Alabama is no easy task. First, Rick and I had to go to the Birmingham health department to have a blood test. Yes, I said a blood test in 2010. I think Mississip is one of the only states that still requires this, and while you may think it is to be sure we are not cousins, it is actually a syphilis test. Is this not the craziest thing you have ever heard? Two weeks later our results came in as "non reactive" so I guess we passed? Then the fun part, we drove to Meridian, MS on a Tuesday night (because it is the closest MS city to Bham), had to get a room, wake up bright and early go to the Meridian Health Dept, to have our blood results verified by the state of Mississippi. As you can see from the picture, Rick was super excited about this. He was seriously asleep in the health department.

We got there at 7:30am, and were about 10th in line. After waiting about 1 1/2 hrs, they called us into a booth, only to tell us "the lady that does that aint here today, you will have to come back another day." WHAT!? I immediately start crying, as the reason we did it this was is I have no vacation time left and had to get back to work ASAP. I told the girl with tears streaming down my face in total panic since we were 2 weeks out from the wedding, we can't come back. I explained it to her, and she said "well I can try to do it, please don't cry." She brought us back a form that literally had 4 blanks she had to fill in, our names, and our current addresses. Now seriously, only 1 lady in that office can do this? On to our next stop, the Lauderdale County Circuit Clerk's office. Filled out a few forms, this took about 3 minutes, and we were done! Well, not actually done, but close. You have to wait 72 hours, then come back to pick up the actual marriage license. SUPER! So the Wednesday before our wedding, after a 3 day work trip for Rick, a 9pm arrival at Bham airport, loading the car (to the rim!), and a 2 hour drive, we were in yet another hotel in Meridian, MS at 1am. Finally the Thursday before the wedding, we wake up bright and early, head to the court house and pick up our official marriage license!!! YAY!!! Then it was off to the Beau Rivage to get the wedding weekend started!
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