Ok, so I am embarrassed to say, I am not much of a reader, but I could not put this one down (Rick gave it to me for Christmas, and I swear it may be the best gift ever)! Sean Payton's Home Team, Coaching the Saints and New Orleans Back to Life. No joke, I had to pace myself while reading this, because I didn't want it to end. Coach was so candid, funny, real, serious, and so much more when he wrote this book. I laughed, I cried, and so many times I got chills. He talked about the oh so bad days of the Saints, which were so much a part of my childhood, that made this book so special to me. If you are a Saints fan, I PROMISE YOU WILL LOVE THIS BOOK. He also talks about trying to get these amazing pro athletes to move to an abandoned city, just after a major disaster, the things I personally didn't think about. That disaster was just life to me as it was the rest of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Louisiana Coast, but to move to these areas AFTER the storm, no way. I could go on and on about this, but I will just say this book is AMAZING! I LOVE COACH PAYTON AND I LOVE THE NEW ORLEANS SAINTS! Now go get this book, then tell me what you think. WHO DAT!
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