This was our first married Thanksgiving, and I was pretty excited. Neither of us really care for the holiday food, so we don't get very excited about this holiday. BUT this year I was so excited! We went to Rick's brother (Scott) & Sister in law's (Katie) house here in Homewood, and had a FABULOUS DAY! Rick's dad was there, and his aunt, uncle, and cousin from Charleston, SC, along with Katie's mom & aunt. This really was one of the best Thanksgivings EVER (other than not being with my family)! Thank you McKibbins for making me so welcome, I am SO THANKFUL to be a part of such a wonderful family!!!!!

As you can see Lilly made herself at home. What you can't see is Rick made her wear her Auburn jersey, because his Uncle Bill is a huge Bama fan (they really came for the Ironbowl).

After lunch nap for Uncle Rick.

Our niece Claire came down with this Barbie, and said this was her "Candice" Barbie. I LOVED IT! Katie says she calls it Candice every time she plays with that particular Barbie.

ALWAYS McKibbin wrestling time. All the McKib guys were wrestlers in school.

As most of you know, my all time FAVORITE team, the New Orleans SAINTS, played on Thanksgiving day. Well, Andrew (nephew) played his first year of football
and his team won the championship! So now he is into NFL football. I took this opportunity to influence him on what team should be his #1. I have officially created a SAINTS FAN!!! I am so proud of myself. I taught he and the other kids the Who Dat cheer, and just exactly what tone to use when saying it (they were saying it a little too sweet). I went outside with the rest of the adults, and could hear lots of Who Dating coming from inside, and all I could feel was JOY! I SERIOUSLY LOVED THIS!! Maybe this is why I loved this Thanksgiving so much??? Needless to say, guess what Andrew will be getting for Christmas??? SAINTS GEAR!

Here are the McKibbin men that were there this year. What a crew.
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