Yes, I mow the grass at my house, and it is a challenge! The main problem is that we don't have a mower, so I have to borrow one of the neighbors (get in touch with them, schedule it, etc). We are also without a weed eater, so I have to just mow as much as possible and hand pull the random weeds I can't get with the mower by hand (unless I can talk Rick into coming over with his, and doing it for me). Another problem, it is 342 degrees outside! Next problem, is part of our grass is up hill, which is not fun with a push mower. The back yard itself is a problem, there are rocks everywhere, it is uneven, and used to be a garage, so you never know what you will find under the weeds! So the back yard usually doesn't get cut, which is Lilly's playground (when she walks in the weeds you can hardly see her!). So with all those problems, I started mowing, got about half way done, and mower stops cold. GREAT! So I call the neighbor, ask him and he says it does that after 45 min. I go inside, cool down, give Lilly a bath, and have to go back out and finish that stupid yard. It was an awesome afternoon. Here is the finished product, beautiful I know!!!!
why are you not at work? And why don't you pay somebody to mow the grass or something???? I mean I'm sure some poor high school kid would love to mow your grass for $20 (which is enough for some beer and a dime bag, dang).
I agree with Traci! Hire someone! I think its like $20 a pop! This heat is too fierce for you to be out in it!
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