WE HAVE TILE!!! Rick has been working SO hard to get us showering again, and the hard work is starting to show. Like I said before, most of the work up to now has been behind the scenes, but now look...
You have NO CLUE how exciting this is to me!!! It looks GREAT!!! I am so impressed by Rick's talents everyday. He is an AMAZING MAN!!! Now it is time for my work, picking a paint color, I need suggestions, and I am thinking something light since it is a pretty small bathroom. I was thinking a light gray, but someone told me that was a cool color and wouldn't go with our tile, what do you think? I am a coold color kind of girl.
Love the tile! color is tricky with that. I have the same thought process as you do! I went with a smokey grey blue in our bathroom with warm tile and i love the color. It probably doesnt showcase the tile as well as a warm color but i like it!
It looks incredible! It will so be worth the wait when it's finished. Obviously, you are a kick-asterisk influence on R.B. (and his choice in tile colors)!
Go with a more taupe-ish gray, that will warm it up a bit!
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