In my absence from the blog world, here is what you missed:

Some of the Bham girls and I went to a Friends of St. Jude event while Rick was traveling for work.
We also went to a couple weddings. One of which was my family friend, Renee's wedding in Bay St. Louis, MS. Renee is my best friend my entire life's older sister. She used to TORTURE us as kids, and is more like a sister to me than just a friend. This was a family affair and we couldn't be happier for Renee & Sam.
Rick, me, my bestie Traci, and my new bestie Paul, at Renee's wedding.
We became members at Trinity United Methodist Church in Homewood, and this was our 1st Easter as official members (and our 1st married Easter). We've been going to Trinity for years, and are so excited about our new Trinity family.
We also attended Cathleen & David's wedding here in Bham at The Club. Good times were had by all, but I didn't get a pic of the bride and groom.
The girls...
And the guys.
Early May we went to RailRoad Park to celebrate our FABULOUS friend Talty's birthday. It was a BEAUTIFUL day with kids, dogs, beer, BBQ, and most of all GREAT company. We had so much fun, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TALTY!!

It was also my WONDERFUL father-in-law's birthday, so in McKibbin fashion we headed to the lake to celebrate sweet John. We got him a kindle from all the kids and he was pretty excited.
Last but not least, we decided last minute to go to Hot Springs, AR to visit my parents for Memorial Day weekend. It was a nice relaxing weekend. As you can see Lilly LOVES the boat. My parents friends Bill & Penny took us out on their boat to watch the fireworks, and Rick and I agreed they were the best fireworks we've ever seen. So nice to watch them from the water, LOVE IT!
So, that's what we've been doing. Nothing too exciting, but we enjoyed it all.

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