OK, so we looked everywhere for the perfect fan for the kitchen with no luck. This is what we were looking for: it had to be small, we wanted black blades, and brushed nickel/stainless hardware. We could not find this anywhere, they were all too big or had the wrong color blades. So, Rick decided we should just paint the perfectly fine fan we already had. Here is the fan before.....
We painted it just they way we wanted. IT LOOKS FABULOUS!!
I have to say, I did not think this was going to work out. Thought it was a pretty bad idea, but it really turned out perfect! The best part....TOTAL COST WAS $7!!!! Oh, and I got totally addicted to spray paint. Wanted to paint everything, Rick had to stop me. So what do you think? I am pretty proud.
LOVE IT, LOVE IT!!! It looks awesome Candice!
Looks great! That gives me inspiration- we've taken down nearly all of the ceiling fans here, but may come to question that decision in July! It looks like a brand new, very tasteful fan- and those are very hard to find, not to mention expensive.
Total success. See candle, Rb's frugalness has come through! It had to one of these days...So is that it for the kitchen? I'm super excited about the bathroom you know.
Now that is a project well done! Great job! I need Rick to come up here for a few days and do projects! He is a good idea maker..
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