YEAH! It's Anna's BIRTHDAY! Anna is a good friend of mine from high school, and when I moved to
B'ham she also lived here. Since then she has married another friend of ours from high school, Chip Cole, and they are one of the sweetest couples EVER! It is amazing when you realize that happiness was in front of your face all along. I love these guys! Anna, I hope you have the best birthday ever. I know Chip will do something special, wish I could be there to help you celebrate! I LOVE YOU, and remember that I am thinking about you and sending happy thoughts from Birmingham.
Well, you were right - Chip gave me an AWESOME gift/trip! He talked to my boss yesterday and ok'd my leave and we're going for a LONG weekend to DC for the fourth of July, and then we're going to take a train ride up to NYC!!!!! I'm SOOOOO EXCITED!!!! Shopping, Broadway Shows, Times Square, Snap Dogs... (isn't that in pretty woman, oh wait - they're in LA) - well, you know what I mean - street meat! YIPPIE!!!! I LOVE MY HUSBAND! And I love Candice!!!! She's the best!
I KNEW IT! WAY TO GO CHIPPER! I love you too Anna!
do what i can...
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