My best friend from birth, Traci, sent me a message yesterday that brought tears to my eyes! She is going to QUIT SMOKING! You guys do not know how much this mean to me! I had a pretty bad day Wed, and when I got this news Thursday, I teared up! Traci has smoked since high school, and it DRIVES ME CRAZY! Here is my list of issues and facts on Traci smoking.
1. It is totally annoying for a non-smoker to have a best friend that is a heavy smoker.
2. It smells horrible!
3. Road trips are zero fun with a smoker.
4. Traci couldn't get enough out of a regular
cig, so she started smoking 100's.
5. I want my best friend to be around forever.
This list could go on FOREVER, but I will stop there. Anyway, Traci went to the Dr. this week and got a script for
Chantix, that is supposed to help her stop. I have been on her to quit for YEARS, well basically since she started! This is the best news I have heard in a very long time. So for those of you who know Traci please let her know how proud we all are of her efforts! One last thing, back in college Traci had a bit of a negative
attitude, and some of us decided she didn't like anything but cigarettes, things that were free, and black. She wanted me to make sure everyone knew that she still LOVES THINGS THAT ARE FREE! Good luck Traci, I am SO SO SO PROUD OF YOU!
P.S. I will be posting updates on Traci's progress.