I GOT A NEW JOB! I am no longer with the Stewart Organization, and I have now accepted a job with LAMAR Advertising. I could not be more excited!!! You are all going to think I am nuts but I have always wanted to work for Lamar. For those that do not know Lamar is a billboard company. I have always wanted to sell something that I believe in and billboards I totally believe work. I don't know about you but I read almost every billboard I pass. These days you can fast forward through commercials, no one listens to the radio due to CD's and XM radio, no one reads the newspaper anymore, so billboards are the answer for advertising these days! I seriously can't wait to start! This is a GREAT opportunity to take over a set client base, and the previous account executive will still be working there so if I have any questions, he will be there. I start in June, so I am unemployed for the month of May. PLEASE call me if you need me to dog sit, babysit, have lunch, watch a movie, ANYTHING! I am losing my mind already, but this opportunity is totally worth it! Oh, and I have to give some credit to my fabulous friend Bonnie that works for Lamar in Hattiesburg, MS. She emailed the guys here and got me the interview, so I totally owe her a happy. One last thing, I will be the only female sales rep! I love that! Come see me for all your billboard needs!
this is GREAT news. I am very excited about your new job AND your month sabatical! Awesomness! How much do billboards cost anyways?
Not sure yet, but I will let you know!
Yeah how much is that LCD billboard over on Red Mt. Expressway? I want that one. Not sure what I am going to put on it, but I'll come up with something.
No props to the roomate who gave you the lead in the first place??! thanks :)
Candy, can you come paint my guest bedroom, select some window treatments for my dining room, install them take Elvis for a walk every day, and tuck me in at night?
CANDICE - I'm SO excited for you!!!!!!! Now, just move back home! hahahaha..... CONGRATS! That's so exciting!
You go, girl. Love you Candle.
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