HAPPY FRIDAY ALL! Sorry for the lack of post, haven't had much to talk about and haven't had a computer. Not much going on here, unemployment is getting the best of me. I lost it Wed. and started crying. Can't stand not doing anything!!! Then Thursday, my new sales manager called and said I needed to bring back the MOUND of paperwork they gave me to fill out, so they could get my email address set up and order my business cards. So now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! FINALLY! I also got good news from 2 friends from home, but those are post in their own. So life is looking up. Since I have had nothing better to do I have started walking/jogging with Lilly everyday. I HATE to exercise, so this has been a challenge, but I know it is good for us both. This pic is
Lilly just before we went on our daily outing.

Lilly LOVES these cruises around the neighborhood, and never shows any sign of exhaustion. But when we get
home it is and entirely different story! She spreads out on the floor and will not even look at me when I call her name. Then she sleeps the rest of the day! She has a HARD life!
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