I was back on the road again this past weekend. Friday I was in Gautier, MS where I helped host a wedding shower for 2 of my favorite people on the planet, Ashley Jones & Lindsey Larsen. They are one of the sweetest couples I know. They are constantly laughing, and to me that is the best thing ever in a relationship. Ash &
Linds have known
each other since high school, but didn't connect until a wedding 2 yrs ago. For years I have said if I had to be stranded on an island and could only take 2 people with me, it would be Ashley & Lindsey, mostly because of the constant laughter. Well, now that they are getting married, looks like I have to pick someone else for my island. I could not be happier to be a part of this wedding, nothing better than 2 of your favorite people marrying
each other! So back to the party, it was GREAT! The food was unbelievable and I got to see tons of friends from high school. I love being home for events like this & getting to see everyone takes me back 10 years, I love that feeling. Can't wait for the wedding!
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