I have wanted a TAGHeuer watch. When I was 15, I was certified to SCUBA dive, and my mom got the most awesome TAG diving watch. Since then I have dreamed of my very own TAG, well this year, 15 years and half of my life later, MY FABULOUS MOM GAVE ME Y DREAM WATCH!!! This is the 3rd stop on the Candice's 3oth Birthday Tour. My mom and sister came to spend the night with us in Bham last Wed, and took me to dinner. After a fabulous dinner my mom gave me a very heavy gift bag. I opened to my most beautiful watch, a bud and ally's t-shirt, and a little pewter cross that says faith. I was (and still am) the happiest little girl in the world. It was like I was 15 all over again. My watch needed another link added to it, but I wore it the rest of the night even though it was cutting off my circulation, and first thing Thursday morning we went to our dear friends at Shay's Jewelery (who was so kind to work with my mom and order the watch for me) to have the extra link added. This birthday is really shaping up nice at this point, and the fun is just starting!!! Thanks MOM, you are the best mom and friend a girl could ask for!!!!
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
2 weeks ago
That is awesome!! YOu and erik both got that for your birthday this year! COngrats!
It is so beautiful, I am very envious....what a special gift!
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